Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Hey, We're Number ... Uh ... 36! | Truthout

Hey, We're Number ... Uh ... 36! | Truthout

Genes, diet, and most of all access to good healthcare all contribute to the poor ranking of the US in life expectancy- number 36 according the United Nations, and number 50 from CIA factbook estimations. We spend far more than any other country on healthcare but there is so much disparity in quality and access that one person may die of a highly treatable condition while another exists for years on rounds and round of expensive cancer therapies with a very low quality of life. How we let this stand is an interesting question and perhaps relates to the 'haves' being the ones with the voice, but not realizing the plight of the 'have-nots'. Any comments on why we are not up in arms about these statistics?

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